Title: Graph Querying Algorithms and their Application to Biological Networks. Abstract: Graph querying problems, such as subgraph homeomorphism, are fundamental in computer science. The recent availability of large scale biological networks has spurred on the development of graph querying tools in the biological domain. In this talk I will describe the arising graph querying problems, present fixed parameter algorithms for solving those problems that are based on the color coding technique of Alon et al., and demonstrate their utility in comparing biological networks across species.
17:00-18:15 -
Susan Davidson - http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~susan/ (IWGD Invited Speakers) On Provenance and User Views in Scientific Worklows
João Paulo Kitajima - Allelyx Applied Genomics - http://www.alellyx.com.br/
(BSB Invited Speakers)
Title: Bioinformatics and Gene Discovery - from Theory to Practice Abstract: Why do we perform sequence alignment? For what phylogenetic analysis? Why this plethora of tools and algorithms? This talk aims to present a case of Bioinformatics in applied genomics and its evolution inside a time frame of almost a decade. We will cover the migration of a horizontal model (based on the generation of a large amount of information) to a more vertical model focused on few specific applications (although still based on excessive amount of data). It corresponds, not coincidently, to the change of the Bioinformatics staff role: from a provider of best practices and tools to a central actor in the process of gene discovery.